Jackals serving in Takistan have increased survivability modifications and carry either mounted L2A1 HMG or GMG grenade launcher, both coupled with front-mounted GPMG. Its primary role is the deep reconnaissance, rapid assault and fire support. The Jackal or MWMIK (Mobility Weapon-Mounted Installation Kit) is a combat vehicle used by the British army. The ATV (all-terrain vehicle) is a superb choice for any adventurer seeking for a suitable vehicle to travel across the vast arid landscapes of the central Takistan. Virtual Heads-Up Display in several aircraft.Some vehicles feature simple defensive countermeasures.Burning and secondary explosions of wrecks.Destroyed vehicles turn into wrecks, explode appropriately according to the amount of fuel and ammunition they contain.Destructible wheels and limited partial destruction.Dust effects when driving over certain surfaces, rotor downwash effects for helicopters and VTOL aircraft.

Vehicles differ in many aspects according to their real-life specifications (e.g.Speed differs according to type of surface.FLIR thermal imagining mode and smoke, flares and zerooing options.Accurate weaponry, including optics, tracer rounds and effects.Various in-vehicle roles: commander, driver, gunner, assistant gunner.A unique simulation of various types of vehicles.Every vehicle in the game can be controlled by both players and AI alike and provides features authentic to each vehicle. Arma 2: British Armed Forces offers the most modern british ground and air vehicles all of them created with the strict attention to detail.